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Action Research Project

January 2020 - April 2021

I conducted an exploratory case study that used my curriculum project as a jumping-off point. This case asked questions about how course navigational structures affected student engagement with materials and overall student outcomes. I studied three iterations of a course, making changes to the course navigational structure for the final iteration, and collected evidence at the conclusion of the third iteration.

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Action Research Project: Project

AECT Rubric Evaluation

AECT 5.2

Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice.

The action research project is an exploratory case study that employs case study methodology to attempt to solve the problem of student outcomes and enhance the practice of student engagement with the materials by studying changes to course navigational structure.

AECT 5.3

Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.

The action research project analyzes the results of evidence collected at the local level and compares it to research-based best practices and industry standards.

AECT 5.4

Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.

The action research study is an exploratory case study that follows the industry-standard case study methodology protocols as outlined by R.  Yin in his 2014 publication "Case study research: design and methods."

Action Research Project: Infographics

ISTE-C Rubric Evaluation


Collaborate with educators to design accessible and active digital learning environments that accommodate learner variability.

The action research project implements the curriculum project with improves the instructional design of a long standing course to provide accommodations for learner variability and different user needs.


Help educators use digital tools to create effective assessments that provide timely feedback and support personalized learning.

The action research project specifies the Quality Matters rubric of standards for higher education and compares its findings to those reported in the QM research database which includes scholarly literature on the topic of accessibility.


Evaluate impact of professional learning and continually make improvements in order to meet schoolwide vision for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning.

The exploratory case study details that instructors learned that adjusting course navigational structure can result in higher student engagement with the course materials and more favorable overall student outcomes, which aligns what is found in the scholarly literature.


Support educators to interpret qualitative and quantitative data to inform their decisions and support individual student learning.

The action research project seeks to help instructors interpret the evidence collected so that they understand the importance and student benefit of clear course navigation.

Action Research Project: Infographics

©2021 by Jessica Leigh Schroeder

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