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UD Faculty Members
In the last 6 months, Jessica has been able to foster working relationships with several faculty members at UD.

“Jessica is fabulous to work with. She made numerous changes to my BUAD 309 course sites that have improved the presentation and deliverability of my course materials. She is extremely responsive to my questions and has always met deadlines. When she says she will do something, it gets done.”
Mary Kernan

"...your assistance on the design and construction of my spring semester Canvas courses clearly demonstrated your competence and ability to work well with faculty. Your patience with me was most appreciated."
David Black

I had the pleasure of working with Jessica Schroeder in her capacity as an instructional designer for my synchronous and asynchronous course offerings for winter session and spring semester of 2021. Jessica is a very capable and dedicated designer. She offered excellent suggestions for my classes and provided clear explanations of what changes and enhancements she was making. She demonstrated her Canvas expertise often, and I relied a lot on her skillset to make a better educational product. It was only through her help that a final quality presentation of my courses on Canvas was achieved.
Vince Marra

Again, thank you Jessica! You were patient with me.
Ronald Whittington
ATS Testimonials: Clients
ATS Staff Members
Thriving in a collaborative environment, Jessica has become a working part of the ATS team.

Jessica has been a wonderful asset to the ATS team. What a natural she is at the welcome bar! Her friendly, caring disposition immediately makes faculty feel welcome and important. Always eager to learn, I've watched her go from pleasantly and efficiently triaging a situation in order to find the best consultant, to being the consultant and solving many faculty concerns on her own. It is clear that she is passionate about her work. Not only is she eager to learn all aspects of the ATS portfolio but she is also a quick learner. She already has a great reputation of helping faculty troubleshoot technology issues and for guiding them to improve their course design. I feel that Jessica will only continue to grow and learn and would be a very valuable member of the team!
Shari Galgano

In the time that Jessica has been a Graduate Assistant with ATS, she has demonstrated her ability to quickly learn to use UD's educational technology tools and assist instructors to use these tools effectively in their courses. Her attention to detail in her design work and exceptional people skills make her an excellent candidate for the role of Educational Technology Consultant. Jessica's willingness to go above and beyond in her work has benefited many UD faculty and instructional designers. She would be a wonderful addition to our ATS team.
Racine Lewis

Jessica has played a substantial part in helping me to acclimate to the ATS team, to include filling in some of the historical perspectives of the team. We have collaborated on multiple projects, such as correcting all image insertions for a faculty member's Canvas course and co-facilitating the first on-campus classroom orientation session where I watched Jessica engage with every faculty member about their individual course and troubleshoot their questions in the moment. Working with Jessica has been a delightfully positive experience, and I welcome the opportunity to continue working together in this capacity!
Melanie Obitz-Bukartek
ATS Testimonials: Clients
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